An AI-first Approach to Accelerating Autonomous Trucking with Raquel Urtasun
Founded in 2021 by world-leading AI pioneer, Raquel Urtasun, Waabi is a next-generation autonomous vehicle company with a radically new AI-first approach to autonomous driving, starting with the trucking industry. In this talk, Raquel will dive into the ground-breaking AI-first approach needed to accelerate autonomy, and what it takes to bring the promise of self-driving closer to commercialization than ever before.
Raquel Urtasun
Raquel Urtasun is the Founder and CEO of Waabi, a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, and a co-founder of the Vector Institute for AI. She is a world leading expert in AI for self-driving cars. Her research interests include ML, computer vision, robotics, AI, and remote sensing. Her lab was selected as an NVIDIA NVAIL lab. Urtasun is a recipient of an NSERC EWR Steacie Award, an NVIDIA Pioneers of AI Award, a Ministry of Education and Innovation Early Researcher Award, three Google Faculty Research Awards, an Amazon Faculty Research Award, two NVIDIA Pioneer Research Awards, a Connaught New Researcher Award, a Fallona Family Research Award, and two Best Paper Runner up Prize awarded at CVPR in 2013 and 2017 respectively. She was also named Chatelaine 2018 Woman of the year and one of Toronto's 2018 top influencers by Adweek magazine. She was a panelist at ACM's 75th Anniversary Celebration in 2022.